侘助、満開、ひっそりと Camellia White My Muse in My Garden
大切な人へ Christmas Rose (Lenten Rose) in Spring
勿忘草 Don't Forget the Fact
色褪せた年賀状 From Megumi Yokota

横田めぐみちゃん Fading Print by Shigeru Yokota 
青の祈り 横田早紀江さん Heart of LOVE, She Has
菫 Miss.Violet, Don't Forget Me, Please 

花モデル One of My Beautiful Muses
流れる夜桜 to the Sea
枝に佇む白鷺よ、桜酔 Elegant,Natural and Slow Dancing
花見の白鷺 River Sengawa,Seijo
墓参る with Mother's Favorite White Flower on the Spring Equinox
デュオ Rei Takagi and Nao Takeuchi
歌う、映画のように Carmen Maki and Keiichi Yoshida. Duo
満腹、満足、時々 After Dessert in Chinatown Yokohama
竹内直のサキソフォン Tool of Jazz Artisan Nao Takeuchi
春キャデラック Cherry Pink Cadillac Not Move
写真とは Looking for Alice in Wonderland always
川が落ちてくる River Fall 
神田川、江戸川橋 The River Flows Freely and Slowly
杏が咲いた Many Many Times Pretty Pretty Springs,  Let's Just Enjoy. 
写真とは Photographing Winter Print of Robert Frank in Spring 3.11
みんな 思い出になってゆく 春 うらら  Say Arigato to Your Lover
習作 3 Study Rouault 'Holy Christ' 
習作 2 Study Bacon
自写像習作 1 Study of Self Portrait 'Oh My God'
次期法王? Waiting for Conclave 
紐育時代の夢をみた Shot at Chelsea in New York City  
昔の写真、紐育女 Daydream Believer
不可避 It up to Us. Or...?
第五福竜丸を忘れるな March 1. 1954 Sacrificed
ノラ、 江の島 Don't Bother Me, I Can't Cope

白楽酔 at Jazz Club Bluesette in Yokohama