夢を見た I was Photographing Foggy Night in Venezia
無邪心 Good Old Friends on the Wall. Especially Snufkin
可不可 Zamza or not Zamza ?
残青 As Time Goes by
婦人 Woman Next Seat in Train
少女 Girl Next Seat in Night Bus
からまつにからまつのかぜ Dancing Pine Cones
早朝 Just After the Rain.  
未明 Flying Morpho in a Hall 4 am
履歴輪 Read His Way. If  Possible
二十年以上  My Favorite Pension
木々 Gekkasohsha
大石学 Solo Concert

月下草舎 Pension in Kobuchizawa
道 Kind of My Way
路 Her Way
活火山 When Erupt Mt. ?
折れても 踏まれても 秋桜 
清流 Stream Pure Non Stop
富士山 Living in Japan. Should be Good
八ヶ岳晩秋 November
朝の光 Snap in Early Morning Light 
収穫愛 Bergamot Duet and Slow Dance
青薔薇 by Chemical but Beautiful. Artificial Art is Real Art ? Some of them are Yes
Must have Mystery,Romance,Beauty & Poison.
古美術 Old Beauty in Bequest has Kind of Blue Magic